Scientists Without Borders looks to redesign and add a global collaboration platform to their website
Role: Visual Design
Scientists Without Borders is a prestigious international organization of scientists united to solve difficult, global, scientific problems. They received a grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to build a “Questions and Answers Forum” for a select group of scientists to share information and ideas between themselves. I led the visual design for our team at Lybba (a non-profit health-focused design firm) to execute this request.
I led the visual design for this reskin project, choosing typefaces and icons, setting the color palette and layout, and creating several archetype pages.
Here is the forum’s home page, with the fictional persona Irina Gasparov logged in:
The process of posting a question (top) and other questions and answers in default format below:
Clicking into a question shows the entire question content as well as all answers posted, along with most other information you’d be likely to see on a collaborative quorum. It is specifically focused towards the scientific community, allowing for clear areas for supporting documents, links, and the ability to rate specific aspects of the answers.